Tetraedre works for several years in close collaboration with scientists, specialized for the applications of measures of Radon and CO2.

Composition of the system

The system consists of a datalogger, the TRMC-5, and a sensor Radon (M-58), developed by Tetraedre thanks to Mr Surbeck's help. The TRMC-5 stores the data with regular interval then transmits them remotely by GPRS to a server. It works on battery and has a high autonomy.

The measures are accurate, the TRMC-5 detects the radon even if it is in small quantity. So, you have a complete system of measure of Radon and CO2, efficient, affordable and reliable.

The radon and the CO2 are gases which are more and more used in hydrogeology to determine the origin of the water.

All the system is controlled by the TRMC-5. Regularly (for example every hour), the TRMC-5 switches on and switches off the various sensors as well as the pump. The measures are stored in the memory of the datalogger.

Exchange unit, detector M_58

The unit of exchange is placed in the water to be analyzed and thanks to semipermeable pipe, the gases dissolved in the water (CO2, Radon, etc.) are extracted from the water and pumped into the detector. The air passes through M_58 thanks to a pump. The sensor is constituted by a scintillator and by a photo-detector. Every time a particle ? is detected, it creates an electric impulse which will be counted by the TRMC. The number of impulses counted during a period of specific time allows to know the concentration of Radon. The pump and the electronic of the sensor are controlled by the TRMC.

CO2 Sensor

The air moved by the pump passes through the sensor of CO2. This one is going to create an analog signal. This signal is proportional to the concentration of CO2. It is then measured by the TRMC.

TDGP (Total Dissolved Gas Pressure)

The sensor TDGP is immersed in the water. Thanks to its tube of silicone, it is going to measure the pressure of the dissolved gas. The signal is then stored by the TRMC.

The user can read the data either on-site by using a laptop with an USB connection or remotely by using a connection GSM or GPRS. The TRMC is also delivered with a wall transformer which can be used to recharge battery in the office or on-site if the power is available. There is approximately one meter of semipermeable tube rolled up in the bucket. This bucket is placed in the flow of measured water (max 1m of depth). The gas in the water penetrates into the tube thanks to its semi-permeability. A small pump allows the air to circulate in the tube towards the sensor radon and the sensor of CO2.

TRMC-5: the heart of the system

The central unit of the system is the TRMC-5 datalogger. This device has been developed especially for scientific applications. It has an extremely small power consumption and thus allows battery operation for several months or even several years. The device has a built-in flash memory to store the measurements made with the connected sensors. The memory is big enough to store several months of data. Because the memory is a flash memory, there will be no loss of data even in case of power-loss.

The datalogger can communicate either with a PC through a USB cable or either remotely to a PC or to a web server. The TRMC has a built-in GSM/GPRS communication modem to send data remotely.

That datalogger has also analog inputs (for CO2 sensors), pulse inputs (for Radon sensor) and digital ouputs to control the Radon pump and the CO2 heating system.

Our TDS Software : your data on screen

Tetraedre proposes a software, TDS, which stores all the data sent by the TRMC. It is a system which works through a web page. User friendly, you can export the data to a graphic for example, and modify remotely the parameters of devices installed on site. The software can send e-mails of alarm as well as reports containing the daily measures taken by modules. The TDS system can be installed on the server of customer, if necessary.

It is also possible to consult the data graphically or to export the data into files CSV.